Key Stage 1

Phase Leader KS1

Eduardo Serra

Year 1

Summer Term Knowledge Organiser – 2023-2024

The latest Year 1 Learning Update!

In English, we will start the summer term by looking at the book ‘The storm whale’ that links to our new topic ‘At the seaside’. We will be learning how to sequence stories and to describe characters using adjectives.

In Maths, we will be using grouping, sharing and making arrays to learn how to solve multiplication and division problems. Starting with mastery of the 2 and 5 and 10 times table and moving on to learning strategies that can be applied in different ways.

In Science, we will start the term by at Ernest Everett Just was an African American biologist who studied marine life. We will learn that animals can be identified and classified into five categories: fish, amphibians, reptiles, bird and mammals. We will identify and sort a variety of animals based on their characteristics.

In Art/ DT, we will be focusing on textiles and will be learning weaving skills. We will be using the work of Sheila Hicks as inspiration to create our very own Beach scene.

In Humanities, we will be learning about the similarities and differences between ways of life in the Victorian era, the mid-twentieth century and current day in British seaside resorts.

Year 2

Summer Term Knowledge Organiser – 2023-2024

The latest Year 2 Learning Update!

In English, we will be beginning the term looking at narrative, using the book ‘Katie in London’ by James Mayhew as our focus text. The children will make predictions and concentrate on the importance of maintaining a consistent tense throughout story writing. We will also recap different sentence types such as questions and commands as well as using all previous writing skills to complete descriptive paragraphs.

In Maths, we will be consolidating previously learned skills for the first two weeks of term. We will be recapping addition and subtraction and consistently practising our 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The children will also be investigating place value using their prior knowledge to support them. This consolidation time will enable the children to embed their previously learned mathematical abilities and also give them the opportunity to start using their reasoning skills.

In Science, we will be beginning our new topic of Plants! The children will be learning about and researching the British botanist, James Wong. Thinking about what a botanist is and why this area of science is important. Our learning will cover the different part of a plant as well as their function.

In Art, we will start our new unit of learning using watercolours. This topics art work is inspired by archived photos of Lambeth. Children will compare photographic images with paintings and consider colour and framing.

In Humanities, we will embark on our new topic of A Tale of Two Cities. This topic will compare London to Tokyo. We will be learning about key historical events that have happened in both cities history and make comparisons. In Geography we will study the two cities locations. We will think about the landmarks and what makes these cities and countries unique.

The Year 2 team would like to remind children to bring a bag and water bottle to school every day. We hope you have a wonderful spring break. Also, a big thank you for the children’s hard work this term and your support in helping them shine.