Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Allocation

The Secretary of State for Education lays down the following terms and conditions on which
assistance is given in relation to the pupil premium grant (PPG) payable to schools and local
authorities for the financial year beginning 1 April 2017.
PPG provides funding for two policies:
∙ Raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities to reach their potential
∙ Supporting children and young people with parents in the regular armed forces
Pupils considered disadvantaged are eligible for PPG funding. These include:
∙ Pupils in year groups’ reception to Year 6 recorded as receiving free school meals (FSM) (or in
receipt of FSM in the last 6 years)
∙ Looked after children (LAC) (including those looked after for at least one day)
∙ Post LAC i.e. those children who have left local authority care through adoption, special
guardianship or other arrangements since January 2017
∙ Service children

Impact of Pupil Premium Expenditure 2022 – 2023
Pupil Premium received£289,545
  • KS2 progress outcomes of pupil premium children is outstanding, significantly above National averages in Reading, Writing and Maths.
  • KS2 attainment outcomes of pupil premium children is good: above National averages in Reading and significantly above National averages in Maths and Writing.
  • Pupil premium children have benefited from increased access to specialist teaching and a specialist coach to run lunch time play opportunities in order to develop healthy lifestyles. The school’s sports profile has significantly increased.
  • Pupil premium children have benefited from competing in competitive sports
  • The persistent absenteeism of pupil premium children has reduced.
  • The average punctuality of pupil premium children has improved.
  • Support for pupil premium children to access online learning has been provided.
  • Progress of pupil premium children across the school has accelerated.
  • Gaps in the attainment outcomes of pupil premium children, compared with their peers, have decreased.

 Pupil Premium Strategy 2021 – 24

Pupil Premium Allocation
Total number of pupils eligible for PP199
Total percentage of pupils eligible for PP38%
Pupil Premium per pupil£1,455
Total amount received£275,280
Total amount carried forwardNil
Committed spend£275,280
Date strategy publishedSeptember 2024
Date strategy due for reviewSeptember 2025
Pupil Premium LeadCidalia Fraga
Pupil Premium Link GovernorCeris Fender-Reid


Summary of main barriers to achievement by eligible pupils
In- School
AThe higher standard attainment is lower than that of other pupils.
BIn reception, starting points for children eligible for PP are consistently lower than for other pupils.
CAn attainment gap between pupils eligible for PP and those who are not in all year groups.
DAttendance and punctuality of pupils eligible for PP is below other pupils
EPupils eligible for PP may experience other challenges and be exposed to risk factors beyond their control for a variety of causes. This can mean that parents and carers may find it harder to provide the support that pupils need to achieve their best at school.
FParental involvement in education
GLanguage acquisition and vocabulary
HAmbition and motivation
ILow self esteem
JLow aspiration
KSocial interactions
LLimited varied cultural experiences
MSEN/EAL needs
NInsufficient digital home learning resources
OPupils eligible for PP may experience higher levels of need with social and emotional regulation and will therefore need additional support in this area



  • To ensure outstanding Leadership and Management identifies key pupils, implements monitors and evaluates strategies for impact half termly, against the monitoring of key stage performance
  • To enable access to virtual learning materials for all DA and vulnerable children
  • Maintain attainment above National Indicators and progress above National Averages in England for Reading, Writing and Maths
  • To ensure that PP pupils in year 6 receive targeted support in English and maths.
  • To ensure that PP pupils year 2 receive targeted support in English and maths.
  • To ensure that PP pupils in years 1 and 2 receive targeted support in Phonics teaching.
  • To accelerate progress of the PP pupils in years 3, 4 and 5.
  • To improve attendance and punctuality of PP pupils across the school.
  • To support targeted PP pupils with homework.
  • To support targeted PP pupils with their social and emotional needs.
  • To support pupils with removing barriers to their learning through group work, mentoring and attendance.
InterventionBarrier focusCostIntended Outcome
Intervention Group Teaching Reception to Yr6

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Small Group Tuition

B/C/E/G£64,150To ensure that every PP child receives
additional support from a qualified teacher. Delivered with a focus on
individual targets reviewed every 3 weeks.To ensure that identified children are
able to make rapid progress and close
the gap between themselves and their
Provide small group interventions in KS1 in phonics

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Small group tuition

C, A£24,280To ensure that PP pupils in years 1 and 2 receive targeted support in phonics from a qualified teacher.

This will ensure that all children are able to make rapid progress and provide a solid foundation on which they can build
reading and writing skills, which are vital for later life.

Provide small group / targeted support in the prime areas of EYFS

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: TA Interventions

B£60,000To ensure that PP children in EYFS make accelerated progress so that their attainment is on par with their peers by the end of the phase.

This will provide children with a solid foundation, closing gaps between those
in receipt of pupil premium and their peers.

Reading Interventions

Reception to Yr6

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Small group tuition

G, A, C£15,000


To accelerate progress of the PP pupils across the school

To ensure all PP children leave school able to read.

Higher ability PP pupils are supported in English and Maths groups through the use of the Maths Mastery curriculum.

As a whole school focus, this will ensure that children, from all backgrounds, leave primary school with the ability to read, comprehend and dissect information, embedding a key life skill which will help them throughout life.

Ensure that all PP pupil  have access to digital resources

Provide homework club for PP pupils

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Homework

N, F£600To support targeted PP pupils with homework.

This will support with closing the digital divide by creating more equitable access to digital technology, allowing children and families to complete tasks online in the information age.

Extended services
Breakfast Club/ ASCEvidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Extending School Time

D, E, J£2,900As identified. Ensuring ALL PP children have access to breakfast and attending school on time, providing a good start to the day with ALL other children.

To improve attendance and punctuality of PP pupils across the school.

Family Link Worker employed to support disadvantaged families.

Evidence that supports the approach:

Behaviour Intervention/ Mentoring/ Meta-cognition and Self-Regulation/ Social emotional learning


E, F, J£40, 791To support targeted PP pupils with their social and emotional needs.

The Family Link Worker will support key children and groups of children to help them develop resilience, perseverance and social interaction skills. This will enable them to become happy, healthy individuals who are confident, ambitious and motivated, helping them to be positive individuals who are able to reach their potential.

This will benefit vulnerable families to gain access to services beyond school, so that the family as a whole receives the support to which they are entitled.

Target pupils identified to receive speech and language make expected progress or more.

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Oral Language Interventions

G, K£28,000To support the development of language acquisition and vocabulary. (SALT)

Pupil Premium and SEND children will receive bespoke and targeted support to help them build better communication skills and to help them interact and contribute positively with adults and peers.

Key pupils receive early identification of need and required appropriate support.

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Social and Emotional Learning

I, J, K, O£6, 687To assess the needs of individual children who require significant support. (EP support/ Art Therapist)

Developing ideas and strategies to support learning and progress of PP children.

Enrichment clubs/ Extended services

Reading Café/ Carry on Café

Evidence that supports the approach: Education Endowment Foundation: Extending School Time

H, L£3,284To diminish inequalities of cultural experiences and activities. One free club per week.

This will benefit children from vulnerable families and help them maintain a routine each day and give them support to help close gaps between them and their peers.

Inclusion Hub

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Small group tuition

G, M, O£24,940


Increased confidence and ability to focus. Instilling the principles of a healthy active lifestyle and the impact it has on being ready for learning. Developing core foundation and life skills in small groups.

These intervention groups will offer a targeted curriculum focused on the needs of identified children and will help them make progress in the key areas of reading, writing and maths.

Subsidised places on trips and visits for PP pupils

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Small group tuition

L£1,900All pupils have the opportunity to access a variety of cultural experiences.

This will allow access to a wide range of cultural experiences, closing the cultural divide for children in receipt of pupil premium.

Educational Psychologist Reception to Yr6

Evidence that supports the approach: Education Endowment Foundation: Individualised Instruction

B/E/G/K/L/M£1,048Assessing the needs of individual children who require significant support.

Developing ideas and strategies to support learning and progress of PP children. Approximately 50% of children on caseload eligible for pupil premium.

SEMH Pastoral Intervention

-Circle of Friends

-Zones of Regulation

-Social Skills

-Life Skills


-Lego Therapy

Evidence that supports the approach:

Education Endowment Foundation: Behaviour Intervention/Individualised Instruction/ Mentoring/ Meta-cognition and Self-regulation/Social and Emotional Learning

B/E/G/K/L/M£1,700To ensure PP children gain skills of independence.

A wide variety of focused interventions will help identified groups of children with their emotional wellbeing and mental health. This will have a clear and positive impact on their learning and personal development. Children will be encouraged to self-manage their own behaviour and regulate their emotions based on a clear programme of support within school. Vulnerable children will also learn a range of skills to help them develop independence and be ready for their next stage of education.