Upper Key Stage 2

Phase Leader UKS2

Rachel Kelleher

Year 5

Spring Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Year 5 Learning Update!

English – In English we will be reading a fable called “When the bess fly home.” This story explores relationships in families and the importance of appreciating each other’s differences.

Maths – In Maths we will begin by looking at long multiplication. We will start by looking at multiplying 4 digits by 1 digit exploring through manipulatives and word problems related to our topic!

Science – In Science we will be beginning our Forces topic where we will explore different forces such as gravity and air resistance.

Topic – In Topic we will begin our Microsociety unit where we will begin to learn about our societies structure. We will start to create a microsociety in our class discussing democracy and creating one by voting in a class Prime Minister.

Art – In Art we will be beginning our graffiti topic. We will research Banksy and plan a piece of art for our Microsociety.

Year 6

Spring Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025

The latest Year 6 Learning Update!

Next term, our topic will be Route 66 and we’ll look at American life and History.

In English, we will look at the book ‘The Watertower’ and look at suspense writing and setting descriptions.

In Maths, we will be converting measurements and begin to look at ratio and algebra.

In Science, we will be looking at a new key scientist and studying light.

In Art/ DT, we’ll be looking at influential American artists and creating our own portraits based on their work.

In Humanities, we begin to follow three characters as they road trip along Route 66. We’ll look at the Californian Gold Rush and other key historic American events along the way.

The Y6 team would like to remind parents that their Christmas homework should be returned on Thursday 9th January. We wish you all a lovely break and a very good New year.