Key Stage 1
Phase Leader KS1
Eduardo Serra
Year 1
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025
The latest Year 1 Learning Update!
In Maths, we will be focusing on subtraction using a number line and will also reflect on our previous work with addition.
In Science, we will be learning about materials and their properties.
In our upcoming Humanities lesson, we’ll focus on geography. The children will learn about directional language, as well as signs and symbols used in maps.
Reminders from the Year 1 Team:
– Please remember to bring reading records and homework in by Wednesday. Books will not get changed by both class teachers unless a comment has been written.
– PE for 1A is on Mondays and Tuesdays, and PE for 1S is on Wednesdays and Tuesdays.
Year 2
Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025
The latest Year 2 Learning Update!
Over the next two weeks, the focus of our learning will be Inspirational People and rehearsals for the incredible Operation Christmas will get underway.
In English, we are going to be recounting our visit to The Florence Nightingale Museum. We will learn about the features of a recount and use our knowledge of time conjunctions to help us place events in chorological order.
In Maths, we will continue to look at Shape. We will be looking at symmetry and exploring what this means, how to find a line of symmetry and how to create symmetrical patterns. We will also be
considering the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and putting our knowledge to the test by finding and sorting shapes in the classroom.
In Science, we are learning about Animals including humans. We have been considering the needs and wants of an explorer travelling to cold climates like Robert Falcon Scott. We will related the information we have learned about what humans need to survive to that of animals in different habitats.
In DT, we are going to be investigating different wheels, axles and chassis. Thinking about different materials, sizes and shapes. After considering all of the options we will choose our preferred and
design our vehicles, thinking about the body of the vehicle, what shape it will be and how it will be decorated.
In Humanities, we will be comparing the lives and careers of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. We will be discussing their similarities and differences as well as the key events from both
their lives. In Geography we will be studying the Northern and Southern hemispheres in regards to hot and cold locations. We will consider animal’s habitats around the world which links with our
learning in Science.
The Year 2 team would like to remind you to label all of your child’s belongings, including hats and gloves.