Through PE and Sport, our children learn to develop the important qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, teamwork and ambition, leading to improved concentration, attitude and academic achievement.
Age Group: Reception, Year 1 & Year 2
Concept: This phase of physical literacy is based on working on key skills that will become the building blocks for any child’s sporting activity. This stage focuses heavily on agility, balance & co-ordination (ABC’s).
Assessment: At the end of year 2, the children will be assessed through a series of physical and technical tests to create an individual pupil profile. This enables us to establish a base line of the child’s current sporting level.
Train to Train
Age Group: Year 3 & Year 4
Concept: The “train to train” phase of your child’s physical performance is where they will firstly apply the fundamental skills gained in the ‘foundation’ phase, to understand basic tactics in a wide variety of sports and develop their individual sporting mentality.
Assessment: In regular intervals throughout the curricular year the children will play in organised inter-house competitions giving them the opportunity to showcase the skills they have learnt in that particular block of physical education. At the end of the year the children are assessed again against ABC’s in order to update their pupil profile.
Train to compete:
Age Group: Year 5 & Year 6
Concept: This is the final phase of our physical performance programme at Stockwell Primary School. During this phase the children will put together all the skills acquired during their years at our school and be exposed to more complex tactics during their physical educational lessons. The main aim of this stage in your child’s sporting development is to give them everything thing they need to push on in sport going into secondary school.
Assessment: Regular inter house competitions and the opportunity to represent the school at borough and county level. This final phase of physical testing provides your child with their final individual pupil profile outcome.
Stockwell firmly believes in inclusion. It is our job to inspire children and help them discover a love and passion for exercise. We want Stockwell pupils to leave Year 6 with confidence in their physical skills and capabilities so they can pursue an active lifestyle and sporting challenges throughout their future education and adult lives.
PE kit expectations:
Winter sports kit (From October half term to spring term)
- Black/blue tracksuit bottoms
- Plain white T shirt
- Trainers suitable for a range of sports activities. (It is unsafe for children to wear their school shoes during PE lessons)
- Infant and Nursery children should wear easy to fasten trainers.
Summer sports kit (From Spring second half term to October half term)
- Black/blue shorts
- Plain white T shirt
- Trainers suitable for a range of sports activities. (It is unsafe for children to wear their school shoes during PE lessons)