To view our virtual learning Curriculum
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Diverse, Bespoke, Broad and Balanced Creative Curriculum
Our curriculum delivery is based on the principles of interleaving, creating multiple experiences so children encounter material more often. We deliver the teaching of our subjects through a topic-based curriculum, mixing subjects to enable greater emphasis on context, and real-life examples through the variety of topics we have chosen. This maximises opportunities for children to practice their skills and opportunities for incidental learning.
To ensure our provision best prepares our children for secondary school education, our subject leaders maintain connections with prospective subject leaders in high performing seconding schools to:
– Keep abreast of changes at KS3 level
– Inform and support training for staff
– Ensure the skill development relates
Our five key drivers underpin our Curriculum. We are deliberate in planning learning opportunities which plug these gaps within our community:
- Enterprise Learning Experiences
Our children are given the opportunity to develop skills such as problem solving, decision making, evaluating risks and making beneficial financial choices. - Communication Learning Experiences
Children learn through whole class, group work, paired and individual learning. We encourage our children to talk, discuss and feedback responding to what has been previously said. Our children will learn and experience communicating in a variety of ways safely, including through digital platform and social media. - Environmental Learning Experiences
Our creative curriculum uses the local and wider environments as a stimulus for learning. Children learn to be caretakers and develop an understanding of sustainable living. Practical learning opportunities are infused through our onsite Forest School. - Possibilities Learning Experiences
Aspiration grows in our children by developing an understanding of the opportunities open to them through visitors, external trips and themed focus days / weeks. Incidental learning opportunities are maximised by ensuring our children can see how people who look like them have influenced the world. - Wellbeing Learning Experiences
Children learn how to be caretakers of their own emotional, mental and physical wellbeing through regular opportunities of self and peer reflection. This, is in addition to the delivery of quality PE lessons and sports competitive engagement.
Bespoke, A varied curriculum within a cross curricular approach which is exciting, engaging and has something for all the children in our community to connect with and see themselves within. Our pupil voice is well heard throughout our topic choices for the curriculum and is reviewed on an annual basis.
Diverse, because representation matters for all, we make no bold statements to celebrate diversity at particular times of the year. We ensure diverse models, examples, artefact, periods in history, themes, and inspirational people of a broad spectrum is covered, across our curriculum, throughout the year.
Broad, Children develop a deep understanding of their topics, which enables a clearer focus on skill development with our cross curricular approach. We plan for hooks to inspire our inclusive engaging curriculum for the children of our community. Our emphasis on maximising opportunities for children to succeed within our curriculum means that the emphasis on a curriculum that has breadth is crucial. This can be seen in the delivery of high quality PE lessons, high Quality Spanish lessons, high quality Music lessons, high quality cooking lessons (focussing on skill development) and a plethora of enrichment activities after school.
Balanced, We pay equal value to all the subjects in our curriculum, through a cycle of monitoring and review. Teachers plan on a two week cycle, themed weeks and days which supports the delivery of quality lessons that take longer to resource. The balance of our broad curriculum is valued in how we prioritising the quality in the delivery of all subjects with specialist staff in PE, Spanish and music and training for staff.
Through the use of our school model, we facilitate smaller teaching group sizes (on average 12-15). This makes the teaching and learning experience more manageable for staff, enabling a better quality of delivery and opportunities for our children.
The sequencing of our curriculum coverage and topics ensures that our children are well prepared for the next stage of their education. Deepening and building on their prior knowledge and experience at a point of well-informed readiness gathered from our robust assessment procedures.
Teachers pay sharp attention to planning for development in knowledge and skills, supporting a full awareness in children of the specific subjects they are learning throughout the day.
Annual themed days/weeks
- Carnival week
- Science weeks
- Art enrichment days
- Science enrichment days
- Creativity weeks
- International Weeks
- Science Week
- Termly Social Skills Weeks (Anti-bullying/tolerance/resilience/empathy)
- Reading Week
- Dress up days (links to topics)