Lower Key Stage 2
Assistant Headteacher LKS2
Cidalia Fraga
Year 3
Spring Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025
The latest Year 3 Learning Update!

Year 4
Spring Term Knowledge Organiser – 2024-2025
The latest Year 4 Learning Update!
In English we will start to write play scripts based on Paddington. Children will learn about the features and then become play writes themselves.
In Maths, we will continue to multiply and divide by ten and one hundred. We will then move on to more formal methods in the upcoming weeks.
In Science, we will create circuits, looking at what type of power is needed to live our lives and becoming experts on electricity!
In Art, we will explore our key artist David Hockney. We will mix primary colours to create a colour wheel. We will look at vibrant landscapes and begin to create our own Hockney inspired canvases.
In Humanities, we will delve into the study of hemispheres and the comprehension of longitude and latitude.
The year 4 team would like to remind you that swimming is continuing on for the remainder of the academic year. This is compulsory for all students as it is part of the national curriculum. As always, please ensure that your child brings their full swimming kit, including a towel and a swimming hat. As the children will be walking to and from the swimming pool, they will need to have a warm, waterproof jacket in case of bad weather.