Early Years Foundation Stage

Assistant Headteacher EYFS

Alice Mansell


Summer Knowledge Organiser – 2023/2024

The latest Pre-School Learning Update!

Preschool children have been very busy learning about their dental health, learning about everyone is different and we should be proud of where we are from, the language we speak and what we wear.

These were achieved through lots of first hand experience through pretend play, listening to story, carpet discussion time and engaging  in lots of creative activities.
Next week preschool will be learning about transitions, building confidence to cope with emotions and looking forward to new beginning.
C&L: understand frequently used words such as ‘all gone, no, hello, and bye bye”
L: Enjoy sharing books with an adult
PD: Clap and stamp to music


Summer Term Knowledge Organiser – 2023-2024

The latest Nursery Learning Update!

In Literacy we are going to be reading ’Superhero Like You’ and ‘Dear Teacher’.
In Maths we are learning to use 2D and 3D shapes to create other shapes, pictures and models. We
will be talking about the features of common shapes, such as the number of sides or the number of
In Understanding of the World we will be thinking about different occupations, and talking about what
we might want to be when we grow up.
In Expressive Arts and Design we will be singing to match pitch and learning about high and low notes.
As part of our learning in PSED we will play group games, learning to follow rules and understanding
the importance of playing by these.
The Nursery team would like children and parents/carers to help us replenish our natural resources.
So if you are out in the park, taking a walk on a common, or spending a day at the seaside, please
bring us something back.
We would like any of the following:
 Stones
 Pebbles
 Shells
 Fossils
 Twigs
 Sticks
 Any other natural items of interest


Summer Term Knowledge Organiser – 2023-2024

The latest Reception Learning Update!

Next week, in Literacy, the children are writing letters to teachers all about their favourite memories in
Reception. They will also be thinking about what they have learnt and
writing job applications for roles they think they would be good at. In Maths, the children will
also continue to copy, continue and create a widening range of repeating patterns and symmetrical
constructions. In Understanding of the World, next week, we'll be learning about the important people in
our community and their jobs and discussing what job the children want to have when they grow up. In
Art, next week, children will be drawing pictures of what they want to be when they grow up and labelling